Lyrics – Renaissances Album 2018

1 Lisboa 1755
First shake is felt
Buildings trembling
Unreal noise is heard
Huge faults cracking
Walls starting to crumble
As the city
Is being destroyed
Those still living
Can’t ignore
Why all these kids and women
Must be sent to death?
Are they not innocent enough
To enjoy life at best?
Next dreadful shakes
Force people to flee
And rush to the sea
Icy surprise
The sea receded
What a terrible omen
As the huge wave
Is on its way
Ships and people
‘ll be swept away
I’ll never have faith again
How can that be?
How can that be fair?
O desastre de Lisboa
Nothing will be spared
The city’s burning down
I’ll never have faith again
How can that be?
How can that be fair?
O desastre de Lisboa
2 Weapon Dealers
bloodstained buisness
build on innocent lives we call worthless
Death in boxes
So precious for blindfold as we are
Widespread conflicts
The least solvable the most profitable
Mass murders
We could not care less about
Always feed both side of the battle
In a great destructive fire that lasts
I stopped thinking
I dont dare to glance
At what life means
Weapon dealers
Decline bringers
Essential accomplices
Of every conflicts
Always first deserters
Trustworthy Never
Biggest destruction feeders
Spread the hate
Gather the gold
Spread the hate
Shed the blood
Secret factory
The most highly defended place of the country
My whole life
Dedicated to researches for military
So exciting
But dont ask what for
Threats, money
To aneastetize any thnking mind
Spread the hate
Gather the gold
Spread the hate
Shed the blood
I stopped thinking
I dont dare to glance
At what life means
Weapon manufacturers
Decline bringers
Essential accomplices
Of every conflicts
Always first deserters
Trustworthy Never
Biggest destruction feeders
A global disease
3 Terminal Decadence
I would not have been
The last of us
Defending what
Our honor depends on
Face to face
Cold sweat and
Beating heart
Everything is on
My shoulder now
Y’all disappear
One by one letting me
A bigger burden to deal with
Here you are
Eternal enemy
My thoughts are boiling but
My hand is steady
Come on, try to spill
The first blood
Dare to wink
I rush at you
Years of struggle
Plenty of sacrifices
To keep safe
!the most important secrets
The last door is ajar
Despite all the efforts made
This world is about to blaze
Face it
Dont look away
This is the end
4 3 2 1
4 Hekla Mountain
A quick rush of pressure
Coming from the heart of the Earth
Make the mountain swell bigger
Until the whole thing gets blown up
Heavy flows blazing
Rocks dislocating
Widening faults
Liberate fire rivers
Black skies of ashes
Inngangur að helvíti
Devoured by barren dust
The fields, the farms
Wont turn green again
For the next decades
Hekla infernal
Absorbs all that could not flee
Icebergs projections
Firebombs blowing
Heavy flows blazing
Rocks dislocating
Widening faults
Liberate fire rivers
Black skies of ashes
Inngangur að helvíti
Hekla infernal
Absorbs all that could not flee
Iceberg projections
Firebombs blowing
Lava flows
Turning lands
To moonscapes
5 Childish Whims
A fading dusk
Dark thoughts awakening
A glimpse of
The same design
Forces enliven
Teasing the breaking point
No way out of this
Tangled situation
Thoughtless decisions
Each one places his pawns
How far the escalation will go?
Even the chieftains dont know
Inconstance and cowardice
The allies of defeat
Rise your will
And you’ll be king
No matter what you hear
When the truth is mingled
With contradictory
The last bastion
Of foolishness
The unconsciousness
Are still pursuing their childish whims
Unintentional mistakes
We could not even notice
Collapsing worlds from below
Keep clear strategic places
Where will they lead us?
Twisted hierarchy
Behind a semblance of harmony
The last bastion
Of foolishness
The unconsciousness
Are still pursuing their childish whims
As they’re reaching the bottom
They might think all will sink with them
But there’s sombody who does not care
You will not get me anywhere
6 Ominous
Tension in the air
Debate heating up
Poisoned atmosphere
Where is this hatred coming from?
Dreadful plans are preparing
What can we do?
A discussion may change something
Nothing turns round
*Depraved* When words become depraved
*Criminal* When the laws turn criminal
*Kill* When a holy person kill someone
*Enough* When will it be enough?
I say no
Against the tide i stand
I will not yield
This cant be right
This war is not mine
Hey people ! When will you face things for real?
Repeating a lie does not make it more true
I act in my name
Even if I fall down
Even if all disappears
I wont be yours
I want to keep believing
We are still the same
I want to keep believing
We are still the same
I say no
Against the tide i stand
I will not yield
This cant be right
This war is not mine
7 Fake Paranoia
Trapped under the flood of manipulations
The clearest you make it the less you understand
Underestimate the size of the evil octopus
Its multiple boundless arms can seize you anywhere
Should I act as the implied laws?
Should I care about invisible eyes?
Will I step into what I look for?
Am I prepared to pay the price?
As confusion spreads into fragile minds
The everyone horizon’s getting darker
Nobody dares to think of an alternate way
It’s the human programmed by society
Should I act as the implied laws?
Should I care about invisible eyes?
Will I step into what I look for?
Am I prepared to pay the price?
Chaos and confusion are always there
Dont follow the herd it leads you anywhere
The worse might happen if you dont dare to move
It’s not their fault but yours
Get rid of the fake paranoia
This time i’ll feel nothing
Play with me
I wont even hear you
Connections will not be made
For what i know
Your time is coming
Get away
I dont need you
I dont believe you
No more
Get rid of the fake paranoia
Chaos and confusion are always there
Dont follow the herd it leads you anywhere
The worse might happen if you dont dare to move
It’s not their fault but yours
8 Der Jäger
Ein anderes mal
Bin ich allein in diesem
Breite Wald um zu überleben
Das Herz des Winters
Die Kälte und die niedrigen Lichter
Das Leben findet seinen Weg
Die Beute sind selten
Die Krähen beobachten
Mein Haus ist schon weit
Ein Rennen gegen Zeit
Immer tiefer
Vorrücke ich mich
Durch das Gewirr des Geäst
Etwas bewegt
Ein Schatten sich abgelöst
Ich warte bereit zu schießen
Ein Zweig bricht sich unter mir
Das Tier hört es und flieht
Instinktiv ziehe ich zweimal
Ein dumpfer Schlag und ein Schrei
Die Nacht bricht herein
Bin ich schon verloren?
Ich fühle einen eisigen Wind
Muss ich nicht hier bleiben
Bei dem Geruch
Vom Blut angezogen
Höre ich die Schatten
Die mich verfolgen
Der Mond beleuchtet meinem Weg
Tod ist überall, auch in mein Gewehr
In meinem Herz weiß ich,
Dass ich heute Nacht sterben werden nicht
Der Mond beleuchtet meinem Weg
Tod ist überall, auch in mein Gewehr
Wenn alles verloren scheint
Bricht Hoffnung die Einsamkeit
In meinem Herz weiß ich,
Dass ich heute Nacht sterben werden nicht
9 Half Dead Half Reborn
The last decades
Of emptyness
As darkness fades and dawn rises
Erasing from
Our memories
useless expectations and wasted time
We cannot wait any longer now
This life makes no sense anymore
Something must happened or we will die
Dont cross the point of no return
Move Start the process set up your
Mind Old habits can only bring you
Down Dark thoughts are here just to be thrust
Out Make it irreversible
Faces in the sand
Bodies creeping
United we stand
Failure to failure
And always asking for more
No ending in sight
And it feels all right
As working machines
Without feelings
Destroying walls
Stone by stone
Taking a stand
As i look at those things decaying
I catch a sight of something new rising
All those choices cost me so much
Sometimes Im tempted to look behind
But after all the events crossed
I dont have any regret
Move Start the process set up your
Mind Old habits can only bring you
Down Dark thoughts are here just to be thrust
Out Make it irreversible
10 последняя взлетная
несколько десятилетий разработок
максимально обширные исследования
идеальной машины
хватит-ли этого для судьбы изменения?
много времени преодолевать
пришёл час старую колоню покидать
когда луны угрожают упасть
футуристический город будет возврастать
шансы не имеют значения
мы выполним назначение
враги приближаются
угрозы растут
паразиты наслаждаютса
нашей слабости ждут
ожесточённой борбе придёться заплатить
каждый дополнительный день для победы
нужно больше времени, чтобы нас убить
экстремальные условия, стальные нервы
близится срок, мы знаем
сколько угодно, будет длиться сопротивление
добьёмся успеха, я обещаю
бесценно наше присутствие
по-немногу стройка прогрессируя
жизненно важные части сохраня
незадолго до окончательного отбытия
незадолго до крушения
чёрная ночь
в трещинах небеса
не оставаться
прыжок в неизвестность
жертва мира
время пришло
чтобы начать всё сначала